joys gunshots
and reading this article I wanted to laugh.
but then this other reading , I started to worry about the results of a European final paradoxical Russia-Turkey .
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
How Quickly Will Flagyl Begin Working
feet is as if they had more holds, I have a feeling of flying by instinct that I do not object and in a moment the cold water.
I could not hold my breath, I'm cold air hunger and instinct. I try to breathe but I drink, I do not know if they are on the surface or not, the sea that it would never have happened.
but not to the sea. are difficulties in a river of shit quattroppiù, on a scale of up to 5-under, that I had said little rafting champion and I had joined forty-five little-known work to skip work and go yet another innovative shit.
I still have the paddle in hand, I see the boat with others, is not far away and try to reach it, but every time I try to breathe drink, and then try to remember who had told the guy to briefing when he said " What if I accidentally flown out of the rapids "while I grinned and said see, think tajo ...
a life jacket and I think it it is strange that drink, and then maybe something wrong.
but it was, look to the downstream or upstream?
I try to turn around facing upstream, but is clearly a bullshit because I do not see where the current pushes me in a moment and I am flooded with water and start to think clearly and ribevo cock at this time maybe I was quiet the coffee machines ...
I turn around and resume and I see the kid with dread '88 class who acted as guide in the boat a little further on the arm that holds out. I let myself go swimming towards him, miss him but I take the boat, and I retired to take me up, I climb and take back for two seconds. I still
the paddle in hand, I try my seat while driving with the look of dread that seemed mostly frightened by the thought of what would the other senior leadership little further in the second boat: ok guys, this boat is not has never fallen for anyone!
all still a bit scared to watch me cough and spittle dripping water and also the nostrils of the nose. I nod around: yes, but see also de annavvene fuck though.
to celebrate then at lunch then offered me from a blonde and a half liters of beer doppiomalto Terni true, while the operator and former musician of the tower, with a guitar sang:
"at the fair of Tufello,
pè Dù shields,
er Potato mother snatching. "
feet is as if they had more holds, I have a feeling of flying by instinct that I do not object and in a moment the cold water.
I could not hold my breath, I'm cold air hunger and instinct. I try to breathe but I drink, I do not know if they are on the surface or not, the sea that it would never have happened.
but not to the sea. are difficulties in a river of shit quattroppiù, on a scale of up to 5-under, that I had said little rafting champion and I had joined forty-five little-known work to skip work and go yet another innovative shit.
I still have the paddle in hand, I see the boat with others, is not far away and try to reach it, but every time I try to breathe drink, and then try to remember who had told the guy to briefing when he said " What if I accidentally flown out of the rapids "while I grinned and said see, think tajo ...
a life jacket and I think it it is strange that drink, and then maybe something wrong.
but it was, look to the downstream or upstream?
I try to turn around facing upstream, but is clearly a bullshit because I do not see where the current pushes me in a moment and I am flooded with water and start to think clearly and ribevo cock at this time maybe I was quiet the coffee machines ...
I turn around and resume and I see the kid with dread '88 class who acted as guide in the boat a little further on the arm that holds out. I let myself go swimming towards him, miss him but I take the boat, and I retired to take me up, I climb and take back for two seconds. I still
the paddle in hand, I try my seat while driving with the look of dread that seemed mostly frightened by the thought of what would the other senior leadership little further in the second boat: ok guys, this boat is not has never fallen for anyone!
all still a bit scared to watch me cough and spittle dripping water and also the nostrils of the nose. I nod around: yes, but see also de annavvene fuck though.
to celebrate then at lunch then offered me from a blonde and a half liters of beer doppiomalto Terni true, while the operator and former musician of the tower, with a guitar sang:
"at the fair of Tufello,
pè Dù shields,
er Potato mother snatching. "
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Does Jcpenny Thread Eyebrows
firefox vs friday. the great dictator
hate firefox existence, persistence, use and dissemination. damn democracy network, it was better when there was only the great dictator browser, here.
hate firefox existence, persistence, use and dissemination. damn democracy network, it was better when there was only the great dictator browser, here.
View /view.shtml-illegal
'll Call

I'll call you love when you're away
and the wind, I will give your scent,
you call love, when
in a dream, you'll find me
I'll call you love, while walking
see you again in a flower, I will call you
although you will not be mine, I'll try
pain, but the same
I can not do anything else,
we call love.
and the wind, I will give your scent,
you call love, when
in a dream, you'll find me
I'll call you love, while walking
see you again in a flower, I will call you
although you will not be mine, I'll try
pain, but the same
I can not do anything else,
we call love.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Positive Pregnancy Test And Low Hard Cervix
A day with fernando
Saturday, May 13, 06.00, Fernando Alonso sleeping peacefully at his home.
RIING, driiin. RIING Riiiiiiing, Riiiiiiing driiiiiin
es puta mother who nocte funda es that rumpes los cojhones ?
FA : Hola!??
FB: Alonzo! I am, Flavio Briatore, who do you still at home damn fool?
FA: Master! que pasa, sir? No estas the Grand Prix today, I rested las membras.
FB: but rest and relaxation. Today I am getting married to Elizabeth, and you've got to drive the Rolls to the church, which is why I pay you.
FA: But Master! Jo wanted to go fishing today! And then Jo always says Jo no es driver master. Fernando ie pilot, pilot du campeon mundo, por the aggiuntas. Jo no puede to chauffeur, sir, disculpame por favor.
FB: but disculpo and disculpo. Alonzo! see a bit of an asshole nun gets within you remit to sell tapas on Las Ramblas. I'm getting married today and I have to accompany you, who are also bastards of Ferrari and I really want to do well. I'll wait two hours below, and you do not submit that your blue jumpsuit fennel.
Icho de puta, Jo will have to pass a las Tojotas, told me the Mamas. Maledicto cabron.
08:05 hours, Fernando Alonso arrives at the home of Flavio Briatore.
FB: Here you come at last. You are slow! I always say you eat small paella that you are nothing. Now go, and do not see the bang with which the Rolls within you cut from the salary.
FA : Padròn Va Bien, vamos.
FB: But you do not see the aurelia that there are jobs and remain stacked with the mass of starving to go to the beach.
FA : master, but Fernando has no INDICATIONS the pits, Fernando knows no aurelia. Fernando goes adelante, the direction you intended.
this is completely stupid, I knew I had to call the second pilot.
11:05 hours, via Aurelia.
FB: Alonzo! you did the damn fool aurelia, did you see that there is traffic! now exceeds that.
FA Sir, we extended a gardener, which makes me the headlights and passes me. Michael wrote tienes el gardener Leste.
FB: dick schumacher! yes that is true. See? Now driving the Fiat Doblo vans. For you to let you drive a Rolls you need to pray for hours, damned greedy eating paella. Do not see us as you usually do a bang we're almost there.
FA: Yes, master, arrived in Rome semo. But there daperuttos police estas, no se puede pass. Mè withdraw las licenzàs!
FB: But you say idiot. Those are there for me el'Elisabetta. Take rather, I think that this sgallettata not yet arrived.
FA: No padron, no es las sgallettatas arrived.
FB: Do not you dare Alonzo! Okay by me in the meantime, that Berlusconi has arrived. You stay here and be quiet in the car and as well open your mouth make me look bad. See you at the end of the ceremony that we must bring the receipt. Miraccomando And, do not you find that you stick to the bottle of red wine like the last time that this time I can remove the license you seriously. Fernando ie
Saturday, May 13, 06.00, Fernando Alonso sleeping peacefully at his home.
es puta mother who nocte funda es that rumpes los cojhones ?
FA : Hola!??
FB: Alonzo! I am, Flavio Briatore, who do you still at home damn fool?
FA: Master! que pasa, sir? No estas the Grand Prix today, I rested las membras.
FB: but rest and relaxation. Today I am getting married to Elizabeth, and you've got to drive the Rolls to the church, which is why I pay you.
FA: But Master! Jo wanted to go fishing today! And then Jo always says Jo no es driver master. Fernando ie pilot, pilot du campeon mundo, por the aggiuntas. Jo no puede to chauffeur, sir, disculpame por favor.
FB: but disculpo and disculpo. Alonzo! see a bit of an asshole nun gets within you remit to sell tapas on Las Ramblas. I'm getting married today and I have to accompany you, who are also bastards of Ferrari and I really want to do well. I'll wait two hours below, and you do not submit that your blue jumpsuit fennel.
08:05 hours, Fernando Alonso arrives at the home of Flavio Briatore.
FA : Padròn Va Bien, vamos.
FB: But you do not see the aurelia that there are jobs and remain stacked with the mass of starving to go to the beach.
FA : master, but Fernando has no INDICATIONS the pits, Fernando knows no aurelia. Fernando goes adelante, the direction you intended.
this is completely stupid, I knew I had to call the second pilot.
11:05 hours, via Aurelia.
FB: Alonzo! you did the damn fool aurelia, did you see that there is traffic! now exceeds that.
FA Sir, we extended a gardener, which makes me the headlights and passes me. Michael wrote tienes el gardener Leste.
FA: Yes, master, arrived in Rome semo. But there daperuttos police estas, no se puede pass. Mè withdraw las licenzàs!
FB: But you say idiot. Those are there for me el'Elisabetta. Take rather, I think that this sgallettata not yet arrived.
FA: No padron, no es las sgallettatas arrived.
FB: Do not you dare Alonzo! Okay by me in the meantime, that Berlusconi has arrived. You stay here and be quiet in the car and as well open your mouth make me look bad. See you at the end of the ceremony that we must bring the receipt. Miraccomando And, do not you find that you stick to the bottle of red wine like the last time that this time I can remove the license you seriously. Fernando ie
tired. Fernando las Calas palbebras. Icho cabron de puta! And the upward sgallettatas moglieras. Faran de dos avvocatos matrimonialistas luck!
Alonso will wait until the end of the ceremony?
Berlusconi has also brought the Faith to the reception?
The Gregoracci is really a sgallettata?
probalilmente all these uncomfortable questions will forever remain without a response
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Can You Get Herpes Sharing Pants
The wait was long ....
Well ... gotta start somewhere. I understand that they possess their own first novel is another matter.
But I am a beginner and I think when I wrote "The bone ", in May 2007, not imagined that one day he would release an anthology of De Agostini, known as "three thousand six hundred characters, including spaces" with the dossier n . 56, during "Write".
short, do not we do it so long. I'm happy and I wanted to share this joy with you.
soon! Hello
Well ... gotta start somewhere. I understand that they possess their own first novel is another matter.
But I am a beginner and I think when I wrote "The bone ", in May 2007, not imagined that one day he would release an anthology of De Agostini, known as "three thousand six hundred characters, including spaces" with the dossier n . 56, during "Write".
short, do not we do it so long. I'm happy and I wanted to share this joy with you.
soon! Hello
Friday, June 13, 2008
Nitro Circus Jamaica Go Karts
My horoscope for today, whatever that means:
"I traveled all over the world and have lived in all cultures, "writes Dan Liebert on "I can say without hesitation that the most ignorant, rude and selfish of the earth are the babies." I agree with him, even if it makes no sense to blame the children because they are so stupid: their brains are not developed enough to allow him to behave differently. The same principle applies to all those who behave badly, even when, technically, have reached adulthood: they're not bad, just emotionally immature. Remember that when you are dealing with people who behave unreasonably. Try to be balanced you are an adult who holds at bay the children grew up.
My horoscope for today, whatever that means:
"I traveled all over the world and have lived in all cultures, "writes Dan Liebert on "I can say without hesitation that the most ignorant, rude and selfish of the earth are the babies." I agree with him, even if it makes no sense to blame the children because they are so stupid: their brains are not developed enough to allow him to behave differently. The same principle applies to all those who behave badly, even when, technically, have reached adulthood: they're not bad, just emotionally immature. Remember that when you are dealing with people who behave unreasonably. Try to be balanced you are an adult who holds at bay the children grew up.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Free Skate Sharpening
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Making Multiple Copies With Avs
Story - If the sun refused to shine *
If the sun refused to shine,
I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea,
There will still be you and me.
(Thank you - Robert Plant-Jimmy Page, 1969)
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------
June 26, 1970, the port of Dover
Chicco Piero and down to the ferry. If Hell is a place where it rains, probably similar to the port of Dover.
raining you can not see where to put your feet.
- But here is always so '? - Asks Piero.
- I told you that in London there was a time of shit!
- You want to be worse than Amsterdam?
- Then you'll see ...
Chicco jumping between people and flies in a rickety shed, followed by Pierre and a hundred other people.
- Another minute and we would be drowned! - Piero says, looking disconsolately his shirt multicolored soup.
- If you continue this lousy weather, you know what a drag! Chicco
nods his head out of the shed, where shadows of people appear and disappear under the water, like ghosts.
- We have come to see some shows. What then of the Zep, I do not want to lose, whatever the cost!
While saying so, 'Piero tries to squeeze the hem of his trousers dripping, with the result of transforming the elephant's foot in some something undefined.
- Yeah And where they do it?
While the two Italian guys arguing about what to do, female vocal, not far away, humming a familiar song.
"Ramble on ..., and nows the time ... the time is now to sing my song ..."
- Here's someone who can help us. Or at least, has the same problem! - Chicco ago
The two friends are close to the group. English does not seem, indeed have a very familiar accent.
Chicco part in the fourth and beat him on the shoulder of the first girl group, a brunette with long hair.
- sorry, you know where they play the Zep?
- Great! also you Italians, thank goodness we do not understand anything with st'inglese! - She does.
- The Zep should play in Bath and we are going! Stay with us? - Is another girl group.
- Catherine Pleasure! - Does the brunette, extending his hand.
- Pleasure Piero, and this' Chicco, pay no attention to his whiskers caught fire with the barrel of tonight!
laughter of all the girls. Chicco adjusts his mustache and made a grimace of annoyance to Piero, with an even more comical.
- information I usually ask, - said Catherine Piero - 'cause I'm the one who understands more English, my friends start laughing like an idiot when I hear say "to spic inglisc so so ", but just heard the voice of an Italian, I could not join the group, if all goes wrong we have fun like crazy!
- Then, if they are unpleasant, we can always sow them in the crowd! - Catherine thought.
As you unravel the crowd, Piero and Caterina have already told half-life by competing to see who goes to memory the words of Heartbreaker. Meanwhile, to impress on the environment blond Catherine Bean imitates Jimmy Page.
Or at least that's what he thinks of doing. The imitation is so 'silly that no one group got a guitarist who could be so ridiculous.
- There he is! There he is!
The group turns back. Chicco is stopped, hands on his head. Before him, on a ruined wall, a poster least three meters high, with Robert Plant bare-chested, wide-open mouth and the microphone boom brandished a machine gun.
Below, an inscription.
"The Bath Festival - June 27-28, 1970"
- But where is this place? - Chicco ago, rationalizing what he saw.
- I know - is Catherine, their hair - it's near Bristol, the festival they do every year. Last year we went to my brother.
- How to get there?
- A few hours in the car, it does not take much.
A day and a half later, the five Italian guys are walking in a wilderness camp on the outskirts of Bath. Here are a multitude of people, who is playing, who sings, who kisses her.
- Thank goodness it took only a few hours. Hitch parts and you know when you do not know when you arrive! - Commented Chicco, with a little 'of breath. Even
Piero and Caterina walk, but a step behind the others. Every time you touch my hand.
- You know you have a great voice? - Catherine tells ear.
- But you, you are ... you ...
- I'm what? - Catherine ago, putting her hands on her hips, waiting ominously response.
- You're a special girl. Deep. And pretty. Catherine melts
gradually his expression into a smile.
- Yeah Oh well. Jamme.
Our stop on a hill, kidnapped by the spectacle. In front of their heads in a horizon of movement and sound. Far away, a tiny little stage.
On the right side of the hill, a guy with a beard and a hat on his head is taking pictures with a Polaroid camera in that scene.
There is also the place to buy tickets. A curtain board, with a sign "Tickets". There
row. Without a doubt. At a rough guess, at least five hundred people. A snake bent and folded up to a dozen times.
- Yes, but we came here to do? We mica c'abbiamo money! - Admits Chicco candidly.
- How can we not have the money! - Catherine the ashes at a glance.
- Do not worry, I'll - Piero ago, pointing to himself with his thumb. Chicco
and Piero accomplice exchanged glances, smiling, posing as a veteran of a thousand concerts.
- Follow me! - Piero runs away, taking with him the whole gang. Go around the fence to behind the stage. At that point there's just no one, beyond the protection, a couple of guys are unloading the instruments.
- And now what? - Catherine
question - We call on those two - Bean says. He puts his hands around his mouth and yells,
One of the two boys approached the fence and turns to Chicco, softly.
- Hi, whats the matter?
- Hi, sorry for the tickets ... ... ... money
The boy looks at the gang in a strange question. Then quietly
- EU 'Guaglio not Allucci. Wait 'nu little, we vuje pienza je.
Catherine hunting for her hand in my mouth not to scream with joy. The boy
anticipated demand.
- Song 'and Portici. Avet 'aspects, vel' Ritt adj.
After half an hour, magically, the five boys, after being released from beneath the stage, were mixed with the first file.
Just in time. Lights out on the field of Bath. The deafening ovation
hundred and fifty thousand people took part.
a minute. A blond man, illuminated by a spot, out of the darkness of the stage with a microphone and greets the audience screaming.
- ROOOOBERT! - Catherine yells back, begging the sky so that it turns blond angel on his side.
The wait is over. Bonzo twirls the baton and start hammering. Jimmy Gibson starts to whirl.
's attack Immigrant Song explodes on the esplanade in front of the stage, turning it into a ditch. The waves of people downloading the file first, where the five Italian guys scream out loud. Catherine
approaches Chicco, yelling in my ear.
- But you, how did you know?
- What? - Chicco ago.
- that behind the stage there was an Italian?
- Who knew? And who are the magician Zurli '?
- But ... Vaffa - Catherine gives him a shove, laughing.
- Mark Rosica You know how when we tell this? - Chicco ago, pointing with his finger Bonzo during the solo.
- Marco? That breaks out! - Piero does not stop jumping.
Half an hour of sweat and music and joy and adrenaline.
Towards the end, in an eerie silence, Jimmy starts off the distortion and an arpeggio. The audience began to sing and move their hands in time. Thank
Piero and Caterina cross their eyes, accomplices.
"My love is strong, with you there is no wrong, Together We Shall
go until we die. My, my, my.
An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look ... see. "
- How staiiii? "Cried Catherine.
- Never been megliooo "said Pierre, smiling.
- I understand. I understand that you have never been better. But let me sleep? - Catherine, annoyed, it gives a jolt to Piero, awakened from his wonderful dream.
- But ... sorry love ... - Piero makes an effort to keep your eyes open - I was dreaming ... of Bath.
- The Bath? and dreams? Tell us! The
look of the girl in love with Robert Plant lights up the room per day.
are three in the morning. But sleep is not talked about. Piero and Caterina took out the magic box of memories, one with all the pictures of when they put together.
Then, I pull one out. An old polaroid cameras, with the colors now faded and edges worn by time. The
look long, embraced.
* written with Catherine (away)

If the sun refused to shine,
I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea,
There will still be you and me.
(Thank you - Robert Plant-Jimmy Page, 1969)
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------
June 26, 1970, the port of Dover
Chicco Piero and down to the ferry. If Hell is a place where it rains, probably similar to the port of Dover.
raining you can not see where to put your feet.
- But here is always so '? - Asks Piero.
- I told you that in London there was a time of shit!
- You want to be worse than Amsterdam?
- Then you'll see ...
Chicco jumping between people and flies in a rickety shed, followed by Pierre and a hundred other people.
- Another minute and we would be drowned! - Piero says, looking disconsolately his shirt multicolored soup.
- If you continue this lousy weather, you know what a drag! Chicco
nods his head out of the shed, where shadows of people appear and disappear under the water, like ghosts.
- We have come to see some shows. What then of the Zep, I do not want to lose, whatever the cost!
While saying so, 'Piero tries to squeeze the hem of his trousers dripping, with the result of transforming the elephant's foot in some something undefined.
- Yeah And where they do it?
While the two Italian guys arguing about what to do, female vocal, not far away, humming a familiar song.
"Ramble on ..., and nows the time ... the time is now to sing my song ..."
- Here's someone who can help us. Or at least, has the same problem! - Chicco ago
The two friends are close to the group. English does not seem, indeed have a very familiar accent.
Chicco part in the fourth and beat him on the shoulder of the first girl group, a brunette with long hair.
- sorry, you know where they play the Zep?
- Great! also you Italians, thank goodness we do not understand anything with st'inglese! - She does.
- The Zep should play in Bath and we are going! Stay with us? - Is another girl group.
- Catherine Pleasure! - Does the brunette, extending his hand.
- Pleasure Piero, and this' Chicco, pay no attention to his whiskers caught fire with the barrel of tonight!
laughter of all the girls. Chicco adjusts his mustache and made a grimace of annoyance to Piero, with an even more comical.
- information I usually ask, - said Catherine Piero - 'cause I'm the one who understands more English, my friends start laughing like an idiot when I hear say "to spic inglisc so so ", but just heard the voice of an Italian, I could not join the group, if all goes wrong we have fun like crazy!
- Then, if they are unpleasant, we can always sow them in the crowd! - Catherine thought.
As you unravel the crowd, Piero and Caterina have already told half-life by competing to see who goes to memory the words of Heartbreaker. Meanwhile, to impress on the environment blond Catherine Bean imitates Jimmy Page.
Or at least that's what he thinks of doing. The imitation is so 'silly that no one group got a guitarist who could be so ridiculous.
- There he is! There he is!
The group turns back. Chicco is stopped, hands on his head. Before him, on a ruined wall, a poster least three meters high, with Robert Plant bare-chested, wide-open mouth and the microphone boom brandished a machine gun.
Below, an inscription.
"The Bath Festival - June 27-28, 1970"
- But where is this place? - Chicco ago, rationalizing what he saw.
- I know - is Catherine, their hair - it's near Bristol, the festival they do every year. Last year we went to my brother.
- How to get there?
- A few hours in the car, it does not take much.
A day and a half later, the five Italian guys are walking in a wilderness camp on the outskirts of Bath. Here are a multitude of people, who is playing, who sings, who kisses her.
- Thank goodness it took only a few hours. Hitch parts and you know when you do not know when you arrive! - Commented Chicco, with a little 'of breath. Even
Piero and Caterina walk, but a step behind the others. Every time you touch my hand.
- You know you have a great voice? - Catherine tells ear.
- But you, you are ... you ...
- I'm what? - Catherine ago, putting her hands on her hips, waiting ominously response.
- You're a special girl. Deep. And pretty. Catherine melts
gradually his expression into a smile.
- Yeah Oh well. Jamme.
Our stop on a hill, kidnapped by the spectacle. In front of their heads in a horizon of movement and sound. Far away, a tiny little stage.
On the right side of the hill, a guy with a beard and a hat on his head is taking pictures with a Polaroid camera in that scene.
There is also the place to buy tickets. A curtain board, with a sign "Tickets". There
row. Without a doubt. At a rough guess, at least five hundred people. A snake bent and folded up to a dozen times.
- Yes, but we came here to do? We mica c'abbiamo money! - Admits Chicco candidly.
- How can we not have the money! - Catherine the ashes at a glance.
- Do not worry, I'll - Piero ago, pointing to himself with his thumb. Chicco
and Piero accomplice exchanged glances, smiling, posing as a veteran of a thousand concerts.
- Follow me! - Piero runs away, taking with him the whole gang. Go around the fence to behind the stage. At that point there's just no one, beyond the protection, a couple of guys are unloading the instruments.
- And now what? - Catherine
question - We call on those two - Bean says. He puts his hands around his mouth and yells,
One of the two boys approached the fence and turns to Chicco, softly.
- Hi, whats the matter?
- Hi, sorry for the tickets ... ... ... money
The boy looks at the gang in a strange question. Then quietly
- EU 'Guaglio not Allucci. Wait 'nu little, we vuje pienza je.
Catherine hunting for her hand in my mouth not to scream with joy. The boy
anticipated demand.
- Song 'and Portici. Avet 'aspects, vel' Ritt adj.
After half an hour, magically, the five boys, after being released from beneath the stage, were mixed with the first file.
Just in time. Lights out on the field of Bath. The deafening ovation
hundred and fifty thousand people took part.
a minute. A blond man, illuminated by a spot, out of the darkness of the stage with a microphone and greets the audience screaming.
- ROOOOBERT! - Catherine yells back, begging the sky so that it turns blond angel on his side.
The wait is over. Bonzo twirls the baton and start hammering. Jimmy Gibson starts to whirl.
's attack Immigrant Song explodes on the esplanade in front of the stage, turning it into a ditch. The waves of people downloading the file first, where the five Italian guys scream out loud. Catherine
approaches Chicco, yelling in my ear.
- But you, how did you know?
- What? - Chicco ago.
- that behind the stage there was an Italian?
- Who knew? And who are the magician Zurli '?
- But ... Vaffa - Catherine gives him a shove, laughing.
- Mark Rosica You know how when we tell this? - Chicco ago, pointing with his finger Bonzo during the solo.
- Marco? That breaks out! - Piero does not stop jumping.
Half an hour of sweat and music and joy and adrenaline.
Towards the end, in an eerie silence, Jimmy starts off the distortion and an arpeggio. The audience began to sing and move their hands in time. Thank
Piero and Caterina cross their eyes, accomplices.
"My love is strong, with you there is no wrong, Together We Shall
go until we die. My, my, my.
An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look ... see. "
- How staiiii? "Cried Catherine.
- Never been megliooo "said Pierre, smiling.
- I understand. I understand that you have never been better. But let me sleep? - Catherine, annoyed, it gives a jolt to Piero, awakened from his wonderful dream.
- But ... sorry love ... - Piero makes an effort to keep your eyes open - I was dreaming ... of Bath.
- The Bath? and dreams? Tell us! The
look of the girl in love with Robert Plant lights up the room per day.
are three in the morning. But sleep is not talked about. Piero and Caterina took out the magic box of memories, one with all the pictures of when they put together.
Then, I pull one out. An old polaroid cameras, with the colors now faded and edges worn by time. The
look long, embraced.

* written with Catherine (away)
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