Saturday, May 13, 06.00, Fernando Alonso sleeping peacefully at his home.
es puta mother who nocte funda es that rumpes los cojhones ?
FA : Hola!??
FB: Alonzo! I am, Flavio Briatore, who do you still at home damn fool?
FA: Master! que pasa, sir? No estas the Grand Prix today, I rested las membras.
FB: but rest and relaxation. Today I am getting married to Elizabeth, and you've got to drive the Rolls to the church, which is why I pay you.
FA: But Master! Jo wanted to go fishing today! And then Jo always says Jo no es driver master. Fernando ie pilot, pilot du campeon mundo, por the aggiuntas. Jo no puede to chauffeur, sir, disculpame por favor.
FB: but disculpo and disculpo. Alonzo! see a bit of an asshole nun gets within you remit to sell tapas on Las Ramblas. I'm getting married today and I have to accompany you, who are also bastards of Ferrari and I really want to do well. I'll wait two hours below, and you do not submit that your blue jumpsuit fennel.
08:05 hours, Fernando Alonso arrives at the home of Flavio Briatore.
FA : Padròn Va Bien, vamos.
FB: But you do not see the aurelia that there are jobs and remain stacked with the mass of starving to go to the beach.
FA : master, but Fernando has no INDICATIONS the pits, Fernando knows no aurelia. Fernando goes adelante, the direction you intended.
this is completely stupid, I knew I had to call the second pilot.
11:05 hours, via Aurelia.
FB: Alonzo! you did the damn fool aurelia, did you see that there is traffic! now exceeds that.
FA Sir, we extended a gardener, which makes me the headlights and passes me. Michael wrote tienes el gardener Leste.
FA: Yes, master, arrived in Rome semo. But there daperuttos police estas, no se puede pass. Mè withdraw las licenzàs!
FB: But you say idiot. Those are there for me el'Elisabetta. Take rather, I think that this sgallettata not yet arrived.
FA: No padron, no es las sgallettatas arrived.
FB: Do not you dare Alonzo! Okay by me in the meantime, that Berlusconi has arrived. You stay here and be quiet in the car and as well open your mouth make me look bad. See you at the end of the ceremony that we must bring the receipt. Miraccomando And, do not you find that you stick to the bottle of red wine like the last time that this time I can remove the license you seriously. Fernando ie
tired. Fernando las Calas palbebras. Icho cabron de puta! And the upward sgallettatas moglieras. Faran de dos avvocatos matrimonialistas luck!
Alonso will wait until the end of the ceremony?
Berlusconi has also brought the Faith to the reception?
The Gregoracci is really a sgallettata?
probalilmente all these uncomfortable questions will forever remain without a response
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