-Business. Strictly Business.
Kustor's voice paused. He lit a Gitanes and began to tell.
-The world has changed, Mike. When we started we were idealists, we fought thinking that one day we could build a better world, a place without wars, without rich and poor. We used the war to the things that we did not like. And so I did for years. Then one day comes a little man. A bank employee, at first sight. Frank sent me
-Ah. And we feel a bit '. What would Frank Wise from me?
-We need to talk business.
-Nothing to do - I'm like - people like you I will plant a bomb under your butt and make them disappear. Whatever you want me to say I do not care. In fact, you do well to disappear too.
-I would say that you should listen to my proposal.
-I would say that I have no time.
-I repeat that suits you. Listen to me. That made me menacingly
blood boil. I would have strangled him with my hands, they 'immediately. Then instead decided to listen to him.
-We know of your business. You're good. Very good. For a bit 'of time, you have also been chasing. Then we decided it was better to let them do what they wanted. Basically anything else that you did not play our game. The more you attack a police station, plus we had an excuse to increase our presence in the area. A base blown up? Three new bases nearby. Was great. Why put a spoke in the wheel? Then you started to aim higher. Instead of continuing to hit military and special forces you have a swelled head and you started with politicians. Then the financiers, multinationals ... you know, we had to give you the strength to start hunting ... and now I'll show you something.
opens his bag and pulls out a set of sheets.
-View these listings? Check it out.
take two or three sheets and start reading. Then I take another. And then another.
-We are all - me - You see? There are just all people in your organization. Foundations, donors, supporters. But even addresses, names of family members ...
-OK, enough - I'm like, The iron between the eyes - do not scare me with this stuff. You know that if you destroy our organization in two months we have a new resilient and proven ready to go into action. Do not fool me. No sir. Tell me is there something in your proposal, do not tell me you made me lose all this time to no avail ...
- Play Yes. Now comes the fun. We could continue the war to us, go the next ten years to make us jump into the air. But should we? You are old now, Kustor. Will you stop doing the idealist? The Don Quixote of my boots? You know what it's about the future? It speaks of a hunger for oil, a hunger for energy. The people of Earth are completely dependent on oil and natural gas. It will be even more in coming years. They will pay any price. Gold, diamonds ... will not be worth anything. Oil, oil ... it is called just that, from now on. We do not want that in ten years the Russians and the Arabs Comandini the world. And we are organizing to resist this dominance.
The discussion was taking a different turn. I put the iron in his pocket.
-Easy. Come on to take the oil where it is. Westernized and moderate Arab countries, there's no way. They are powerful, well-organized. Become our enemies, in a few years. Come on in Islamic countries. They are backward countries, where who is stronger is the master. There are social organizations, governmental structures, nothing. Only a mass of tribes that they should slaughter one another. Go there 'and we take the oil.
"But you take me for a ride? How will you take the oil?
- What the whole world already knows is that they were Muslims, who have bases of terrorism and unconventional weapons, although it has never been true. But not enough to justify an invasion. An invasion coast. Thousands of soldiers, ships, planes ... we should be attacked, to react in that way ... well, this is your job, Kustor.
What I must tell you - he said at last Kustor, extinguishing a cigarette on the marble - I did a good job. I do not regret. I designed a ghostly attack. I gave all the indications and Frank Wise ran the homework. Three thousand dead? Maybe they were just so '... this is one of the few things that have come from the news ... but the funniest thing was seeing the face of the head of that terrorist organization which invented the fake CIA. What a laugh, to see that stupid face with a white beard. Every so often comes out on television and threatens the world from its mountains. Lives mountain, like Heidi, in an area no bigger than a small European country. Three hundred Marines, plus a multinational army was not able to find it. Indeed, once we were about to take fled in motion. Come on ...
Kustor laughed heartily. I must say I was not very funny. I did not know how or when, but I knew it would happen somewhere else, before I could get out of there.
- Now you know everything. But I do not trust you, Mike. You're too smart. A friend like you do not want it. Imagine an enemy.
As she said Kustor nodded his head to one of the men holding my arms behind my back. A shooting pain went through my neck.
The last thing I saw was my body piled on the floor like an empty bag, covered by the blood that flowed from under the mouth.