What are you looking at? You have a guilty conscience?
Rights. You do not understand anything. You look at me with those pleading eyes and I ask questions as if I could answer.
- What's your name?
- Are you hungry?
- Why are you angry with me?
Never mind, I have my reasons to be pissed.
eye And then, I'm not a stray, one of those dogs dirty and ugly that you see on the street.
I'm in a big house with a huge garden. A kennel with all the comforts, lunch and dinner with wind window, and when I'm hot I threw in and it seems the air conditioning. Then, in the afternoon, Mark and Alex make me run to take the stick. Still further, and I run. Faster and faster, and I always faster.
and then play football. They make me a pass at mid-height and I make a leap to take it with the muzzle. Shot of muzzle, they call the children.
- Dick run, there's the cat!
And I'm running and I do miss. Mica I've got fear, I will. Once there were three, I chased until they fled and never returned.
I am the master of the garden, absolutely! The morning passes Andrea, out there by the fence. - Hello Dick - he tells me and I bark twice. They taught me a healthy way. Then he gets the gate of the kitchen and the lady throws me something the night before. High-grade stuff. And every morning, not stories!
And when the boss comes out? I put close to the machine and wait for him to say goodbye. Only wag, because he hates it when I put in the machine.
Not to mention when I put on my pants legs to play. The time I tried I was kicked in the stomach I threw up green for two days. Now I know, do not take more beatings.
Strange, you're just weird, you humans. This morning my boss was ten minutes crying like a baby for me get in the car.
not hear the end I decided to go up. But instead of making me go up front with him, as I expected after that skit, I opened the trunk to make me put on a black nylon bag and sticky. But if you really want to be with me, put me so far that you need to talk to me scream louder the stereo? But look what kind.
He continued to scream, and I on that nylon, with the smell of lavender that I hate. And here's Dick, and Dick there, I said we were going to the lake, in a fantastic place. We arrived and made me get off.
I was not even shown a bit 'of the lake that I did:
- Dick, let's see if you get this!
and gave me a wood farther than I had ever seen before.
Oh yeah? Now I'll show you how long it takes, I thought. I got a rocket and came back fast.
But where are you? But what goes away is your car?
Rights. But how? You did not want the stick? I run at full speed to catch it and then you go away?
So I put down the stick and waited. I waited. Until you came along!
soon as I saw it I understood everything that has happened. It 'not your fault, surely. I play there the collar.
I was going to take my stick and you and my master did you even put you to play a piece of wood. You have pulled him away, so 'far that my boss had to run in the car to take andartelo.
Come on, I went, I know it's a game. Sometimes you make a shot too strong. Look, even I stop barking.
play together. Got a ball? I'll show my face shot!
Come on, wait here with me. I know him well, my lord. Sooner or later comes back, you'll see.
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