The sound of the old Siemens limbs the last remnant of paradise. Why, what evil have I done to merirarmi this? I killed him I Jesus Christ? I think not.
And you? How to solve the persistent problem of the button, which you've explained several times that it is impolite to death tighten his stomach when called to do his duty? Just eat less, drink less and refuse invitations to lunch and dinner, I'd say. And me? Could you please start thinking about the question about Jesus Christ, to which I have still not answered?
One thing I can try to do it. A run. A friend told me that it is simple. Half an hour and you've solved your problems. But
. What does it take? I wear the shirt, shorts, white socks and shoes sponge half smashed. Then I put the dark in the room of my son, looking dell'emmepitrè.
Here. Keys, pouch, earphones ordinance. Twenty seconds to decide. Soundgarden or Alex De Grassi. Alex no. I would not fall asleep while running.
first lap. I'm going well. Piano, without running, the lady passes in front of me shivering and completely ignores me. Second lap, I start to have some breathing problem, but that's normal, carry around two hundred pounds is not a walk, is a workout. Siemens spent ten minutes on low. And when you get there in half an hour?
Seiedieci. Missing five minutes at the end of the torture and Black Hole Sun is me drilling the brain. I feel better than when I went out and worse than that guy with the backpack that you start the site, angry but at least rested, that will certainly make just taken the first coffee of the day and is about to light his first cigarette of the day.
Done. Of course I will have half an hour, yes and no quarter of an hour. And all of you to please you. Then you say that man does not become attached to inanimate things.
Ok. How about giving me a little 'breathing today? Dai.
ignorant that you are nothing. Another day in apnea.
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